Your Strumming Hand is your voice on the Guitar. So learning how to strum and play rhythms properly is an essential skill every beginner guitar player needs to get right.
In this free guitar lesson I show you all the basic things you need to get right to start to sound like a great guitar player. We look at two music subdivisions Quarter Notes and Eight Notes (also know as Crochets and Quavers)
Also looking at how to count, We also analyse the classic Down Down,Up Up Down,Up Rhythm
This video supplements many chapters from my book where I go into great detail about strumming and counting rhythms.
Please check out my book where I go into this strumming and many more rhythm techniques from Folk, Country, Blue, Rock and Funk Rhythms in great detail. Every chapter and technique has a song to learn which will cement everything I teach you. The book comes with 9 hours of video lessons and demonstrations as well as audio files for you to practice and play along to.
Learn anywhere, computer, tablet or phone
Download Quarter Note / Eight Note - Strumming and Counting Exercise